go car free

Welcome to

Go Car Freeā„¢

Save money. Save the planet.

Go Car Free

We create and manage Go Car Freeā„¢ programs for businesses, educational institutions, communities, governments, and large events.

Go Car Freeā„¢ programs teach, inspire, and incentivize car free commuting; reduce SOV (single-occupant vehicle) driving; promote alternative transportation including bicycle commuting, carpooling, and ride-share; and encourage car free and car lite lifestyles.

Our enterprise solutions deliver value through significant cost savings, positive publicity, and massive environmental and social benefits.


Lower Costs for Parking and Road Infrastructure


Fewer Parking Spaces Required


Reduced Traffic, Less Congestion


Cleaner Air, Less Pollution, Reduced GHG Emissions


Positive Press, Good Publicity


Healthier Employees & Students, Fewer Sick Days


Increased Productivity & Job Satisfaction


Achieve your ESG & Sustainability Goals

There has never been a better time to stop driving.

  • RHigh gas prices
  • RHigh car prices
  • RHigh interest rates
  • RInflation
  • RClimate change
LA Gas Prices

How does the Go Car Freeā„¢ program work?

GoCarFree.org partners with organizations of all sizes to change SOV (single-occupant vehicle) driving behavior.

We create custom-made Go Car Free programs that (1) reduce the number of cars driving to and parking at your location, (2) alleviate traffic congestion, (3) lower the need for parking, (4) decrease pollution and improve air quality, and (5) help meet your sustainability and ESG goals.

Each program includes our Go Car Free online course, an eLearning module customized with multimedia content tailor-made for your organization ā€” including a welcome video message from your chief executive.

Our programs also provide one-on-one Go Car Freeā„¢ coaching, discounts, incentives, prizes, and live events.

Who is it for?



Businesses spend a fortune to provide parking for employees. Some studies say one parking spot can cost up to $50,000. How much money could your business save if 50 or 100 or 500 employees went car free?


Government & Schools

Federal, state, and local governments ā€” including schools and community colleges ā€” are under pressure to reduce their carbon footprint and increase sustainability. Joining the Go Car Freeā„¢ program demonstrates your commitment to climate action.


Colleges & Universities

Colleges and Universities struggle to provide peak-demand parking for the influx of students who drive to campus. Donā€™t spend $15 million to build another parking garage, encourage your students to stop driving!



Nonprofits need to control costs while also retaining staff. How would your employees like to get the equivalent of a $10,000 to $13,000 pay raise? Sign them up for the Go Car Free Course.


Employees & Students

Between high gas prices, rising housing costs, and inflation, employees and students are seeking creative ways to reduce expenses and save money. With the Go Car Free program they can save up to $1,000 every month. Ā 

Our Mission

  • The mission of GoCarFree.org is to reduce single-occupant vehicle driving, encourage car free commuting, promote car free and car lite lifestyles, and remove 2.5 million gasoline-powered cars and trucks from Americaā€™s roads and highways. Ā 
  • Weā€™ve already removed 20,000 cars nationally, and weā€™re just getting warmed up.Ā 
  • Watch our Mission Video to learn more about our unique process and mission.

Complete the Go Car Freeā„¢ Course. Get inspired. Be the change

At the center of the Go Car Freeā„¢ program is our eLearning module that teaches and inspires car free commuting, promotes alternative transportation including bicycle commuting, carpooling, and ride-share, reduces SOV driving, and celebrates the car free and car lite lifestyle.

Our digital team produces custom multimedia content specifically designed for your location, to help your employees or students successfully commute car free.

Four elements make up the course.

Venice Blvd Map

Custom Content

Every eLearning module is tailor-made for each organization and each specific location. We send our video production team to film all the alternative transportation options, bus stops, transit routes, bike paths, and other car-free options that serve your location. So your employees will know exactly what to do and how to commute car free.



A unique part of the Go Car Free program is providing motivation and inspiration for employees and students to commute car free. The Go Car Free course includes more than 100 success stories and interviews with people who went car free or car lite and are saving money, breathing easier, and getting more mileage out of life.

Via App on Phone


The Go Car Free CourseĀ  covers dozens of topics to help practically anyone live a car free or car lite lifestyle. Topics include: lifestyle re-engineering (required), commuting car free (critical), socializing car free (vital), car free dating and romance (surprising), and even how to explain your decision to your family, friends, Tinder dates, and strangers (incredibly useful).

Uber Gift Cards


GoCarFree.org works with each client to develop incentives that encourage car free commuting. For example, we partner with relevant sponsors in your area to provide freebies, discounts, and savings for anyone who completes the Go Car Free Course. From Uber and Lyft, to Instacart and DoorDash, to local businesses and transit providers, we pick the companies youā€™ll rely on when you live car free or car lite.

Get Moving!

More than 20,000 people have already used the information and inspiration in this course to ditch their cars, live a more active lifestyle, and save a fortune.

Annual Savings if You Adopt a Car Free Lifestyle

Metric tons of CO2

In car expense

Amount of your salary that goes to pay for a car

Benefits of Living Car Free orĀ Car Lite

Better Health

When you stop driving everywhere youā€™ll walk and bike more and become more active. Youā€™ll lose weight, improve your health, sleep better, and get more exercise.

Lower Stress

Driving in traffic raises blood pressure, increases stress, and causes anxiety, weight gain, and poor health. When you stop driving you can leave all that behind.

More Freedom

When you donā€™t have car payments, insurance, and gas to pay for youā€™ll have more disposable income for fun and travel.Ā 

Climate Action

Cars are one of the worst contributors to climate change. When you join the Go Car FreeĀ  Program youā€™re helping save the planet, and you can brag about it at cocktail parties.


Save Money

Without a car to pay for you can slash your expenses, save money, pay off credit cards, become debt free, achieve financial freedom, and maybe even retire early.

Join the Go Car Freeā„¢ Program and Give Yourself a $10,000 Raise

How would you like to effectively increase your income by more than $10K per year without starting a side hustle or getting a second job? The average car owner spends between $10,000 and $13,000 in pre-tax dollars to own a car. When you ditch the car itā€™s like getting a five-figure raise.

Watch the video below to learn more. Itā€™s from Lesson One of the Go Car Free Course.

Kick-Off Events & PR

To build initial excitement and engagement, our events team will launch your Go Car Free program with a fun kick-off event featuring a group bike ride, bicycle and commuting gear raffle, t-shirt giveaway, and car free block party.

Our media relations team will work with your in-house comms department to manage the media relations, send out press releases, and invite the news media.

Check out these sample news releases to see how Go Car Free programs generate positive publicity in local and national news and trade publications.

Sample Press Release

Enterprise Client

press release

Sample Press Release

Education Client

press release

Thank You to Our Partners & Sponsors

These great organizations are proud supporters of GoCarFree.org. Everyone who completes the Go Car Free Course is eligible for legit discounts and freebies. Ā 

Tell Us Whom to Contact at Your Organization!

Donate or Get Involved

13 + 1 =

Get inspired. Be the change.